* Welcome home! Now pass the Prozac. (GH Two Scoops Commentary for March 5, 2012) | Soap Central

Welcome home! Now pass the Prozac.

by Jennifer Biller
For the Week of March 5, 2012
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It's been a tough week for GH fans, mourning the loss of Robin Scorpio. Not even insipid Cassandra taking a bullet could lift viewers spirits. However, the return of Robert Scorpio and his gang could be a way out of the darkness. Get ready to move towards the light in this week's Two Scoops.

Welcome home, Robert Scorpio. You're a sight for sore eyes. Literally.

Does anyone know a cure for swollen-shut, puffy red eyes? It's tough to type when one can't see. It's too bad genius-doctor Robin Scorpio isn't around to whip up a magical potion for my tear-soaked, crusty eyelids. She would have restored my natural vision in no time.

I'm a little surprised that the death of the sometimes-sanctimonious Robin is getting to me. She hasn't always been easy to love. (Remember when she put her baby in a tree?) Sigh. I digress.

Sadly, Robin Scorpio is dead, and those who loved her are suffering, including me. The flashbacks to the little girl I watched grow up sent me into a quivering mass.

Anna's reaction was odd. At first, she seemed unaffected by it all. So, I convinced myself that Robin wasn't really dead. I was sure that Robin's HIV hadn't really regressed, so she had recruited her mother to help her disappear. (Denial is one of the stages of grief, you know.) But as Mac heard the news and broke down, I realized that now isn't the time to play detective. For now, Robin is dead. That's all that matters.

Jason Thompson's performance was phenomenal. His talk with Epiphany had me wailing. "With Robin gone, I can't even get air," he sobbed. I know how you feel. Neither can I, between sobs. When sweet little Emma offered her mother a Band-Aid, I went searching for the migraine pills.

Then, we watched as beloved Robert Scorpio locked himself in the morgue and pulled back the sheet to see the charred remains of his daughter. Gulp. Couple that with Mac's breakdown and angry outburst at Sonny, and it's been a dark, depressing week in Port Charles.

Just when I had clawed myself out from under the growing pile of soggy Kleenex, Tracy broke the news to Edward. Then, I broke a record for time spent bawling while watching General Hospital.

Patrick, Mac, Robert, Edward, Epiphany, etc., all gave incredible performances this week in what I'm sure were tough scenes to play. I'm sad. Not just about Robin's death, but for the dark state that GH has taken the past year and decade.

With that said, I have one request. To the new GH executive regime, for the sake of puffy-eyed GH fans everywhere, please lighten up this show. Child death, rape, filicide, and personality disorders make me want to turn the channel, not anxiously await the next day's episode. Please get back to making GH entertaining again. There's a reason we used to love soaps. Hint: They were fun! Luke, Robert, Anna, and the old gang are a good start. I just want to smile again. It's what Robin Scorpio would want. I know my eyes would appreciate it.


Many of you have written me to say you think that Kate/Connie is the one taking shots at Sonny. Considering her late-night stroll on the docks in a bloody wedding gown, I'd say you're right.

I'm going on record to say I hate this storyline. Can we just send her to Shadybrook now, so I don't have to suffer through any more of it? The reason I loved Kate/Connie was that she was the opposite of all of Sonny's needy, neurotic women. But, this version of Kate is one hot mess.

Sonny just needs to be single. His lovers can't deal with his day job, and he's never leaving the mob -- unless it's in a body bag.

Another story I'm calling foul on is the arrival of Starr Manning. Sorry, OLTL fans, but I've just watched the Spencers mourn Jake, Michael mope about Abby's death, and the whole town grieve for Robin. I really don't want to watch a character I don't know, or care about, go through the hell of losing a child. It's too much.

If the writers were looking for a love interest for Michael, why not recast Serena Baldwin? Starr already has too much drama. I was hoping Michael would head to college and have some fun this summer. It looks like he's destined for more moping. Great.

With all the old familiar faces we've seen this week, I'm going to make a plea for the returns of Ned and Jax. Some of the most fun episodes we ever had involved Eddie Maine in those leather pants, grabbing his guitar, and hitting the stage. And Michael needs a role model. It's clear to me that Jason is never going to be anything but a hit man.

Holly is one impressive con woman. I'm just not sure if she was really conning Helena, or if Ethan really is Robert's son. I never believed that Luke cheated on Laura. Plus, Ethan has that accent. I think it's plausible he truly is a Scorpio.

Thank you, writers, for killing the Cassandra plot. Literally. Don't send me hate mail. You know her character wasn't doing anything -- except Ethan.

On a lighter note, it was strange seeing Tristan Rogers at Anna's door with light, brown hair. I had gotten used to his gray when he was working his magic on The Young and the Restless. I don't care what color his hair stays, just please keep him on the show!

The best-dressed award goes to Carly in that red dress. Wow. Sorry Shawn.

I'm digging the chemistry between Carly and Johnny, despite the fact that he's Sonny's mortal enemy. Despite that she's older than Johnny. Despite that he used to date her cousin. Despite the fact that he's another mobster. Yeah, they've got no shot.

Despite what daytime executives have led us to believe, soaps aren't dying. In primetime, they're thriving. Dallas is returning to TNT this summer. Revenge is a ratings hit for ABC. GCB is about to premiere. And that gorgeous love triangle from The Vampire Diaries just graced the cover of Entertainment Weekly. Soaps are working in primetime. Why can't they in daytime?

Best Lines of the Week

(Helena wisecracks, after murdering her own daughter and telling a distraught Ethan that he didn't even know Cassandra.)
Ethan: "I know she's nothing like you."
Helena: "Which is why she's dead."

(Helena plucks a hair from Luke's head for a DNA test.)
Luke: "Easy darlin'. Don't tear off my toupee."

Reader Spotlight

There were so many interesting emails, it was tough choosing which ones to spotlight. Two Scoops readers are a savvy bunch with plenty of opinions. Take a peek, and be sure to send me your thoughts and emails by clicking here. Some of you questioned plot points:

Many of you were thrilled to see the return of Robert, Holly, and Anna: Some of you showed off your common sense:

Jennifer Biller
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